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We LOVE living in the mountains and the shoes that go with it!
The Red Pair Shoe Store is a community loved business that caters to the mountain lifestyle here in the heart of the Kootenays, Rossland BC. We are now online so you can access our awesome stock anywhere you live. We carry a wide range of active brands as well as styles from brands that we call mountain casual.
Come see our award winning business at our spectacular new location: 2104 Columbia Ave (above the Alpine Grind).
You can also browse around our online shop. No matter the event or adventure, we are here to help you find the perfect pair!
Photo Shot @ The Josie Hotel

"What a treat to be serviced at the Red Pair Shoe Store! The staff are very knowledgeable and obviously love the shoes they carry! Highly recommended."
-Google Review
"Superb service, beautiful boots, I've bought 2 pairs in the last 2 weeks because you rock!"
-Facebook Review
-Google Review
"Superb service, beautiful boots, I've bought 2 pairs in the last 2 weeks because you rock!"
-Facebook Review